Partner institution:
Core facility:
Category of instrument / technology:
Web category:
Instrument name:
Description EN:
Part of research platform:
Name of instrument operator:
Email of instrument operator:
Supplier name:
Price (excluding VAT) in EUR:
Year of purchase:
Year of installation:
Service contract Yes / No:
Yearly price of service contract (excluding VAT) in EUR:
Capacity used in %:
Running cont per hour of usage in EUR:
Author first name:
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Partner institution: 7:St.Anne'sUniversityHospitalBrno_ICRC
Core facility: Animal Center
Category of instrument / technology: Animal Facility
Web category: 6 : surgical tools
Instrument name: Magnetic stereotactic navigation system Type: NIOBE II - for humans
Description EN:
Part of research platform:
The Animal Center (AC) is a core facility keen to provide knowledge, know-how, and technologies to cutting edge in vivo research. AC supports other research groups from experimental design to practical procedures, including ethical authorization steps. Additionally, AC has experience in supervising and carrying out experimental procedures on rodent and pig models.
Name of instrument operator: Agata Miska-Schramm
Email of instrument operator:
Supplier name: Stargen EU, s.r.o.
Price (excluding VAT) in EUR: 1034182
Year of purchase: 2009
Year of installation: 2009
Service contract Yes / No: 1
Yearly price of service contract (excluding VAT) in EUR:
Capacity used in %:
Running cont per hour of usage in EUR:

Partner institution: 7:St.Anne'sUniversityHospitalBrno_ICRC
Core facility: Animal Center
Category of instrument / technology: Animal Facility
Web category: 5 : specific systems
Instrument name: Multiconditioning system for mice and rats
Description EN:
The Multi Conditioning system is designed for multi-purpose behavioral testing, e.g. the evaluation of learning, memory, emotion and stress-related behaviors in mice and rats. One system supports nine paradigms (so far), hence it saves valuable lab space, allows high throughput and efficient research. In accordance with the experimental requirements, each measuring unit can be equipped with a large variety of arenas, equipment and software modules. The movements of experimental animals are detected in three dimensions by high resolution IR light beams.
Part of research platform:
The Animal Center (AC) is a core facility keen to provide knowledge, know-how, and technologies to cutting edge in vivo research. AC supports other research groups from experimental design to practical procedures, including ethical authorization steps. Additionally, AC has experience in supervising and carrying out experimental procedures on rodent and pig models.
Name of instrument operator: Agata Miska-Schramm
Email of instrument operator:
Supplier name: Animalab s.r.o.
Price (excluding VAT) in EUR: 233819
Year of purchase: 2015
Year of installation: 0
Service contract Yes / No: 0
Yearly price of service contract (excluding VAT) in EUR:
Capacity used in %:
Running cont per hour of usage in EUR:

Partner institution: 7:St.Anne'sUniversityHospitalBrno_ICRC
Core facility: Animal Center
Category of instrument / technology: Animal Facility
Web category: 5 : specific systems
Instrument name: Multiconditioning system for mice and rats
Description EN:
The Multi Conditioning system is designed for multi-purpose behavioral testing, e.g. the evaluation of learning, memory, emotion and stress-related behaviors in mice and rats. One system supports nine paradigms (so far), hence it saves valuable lab space, allows high throughput and efficient research. In accordance with the experimental requirements, each measuring unit can be equipped with a large variety of arenas, equipment and software modules. The movements of experimental animals are detected in three dimensions by high resolution IR light beams.
Part of research platform:
The Animal Center (AC) is a core facility keen to provide knowledge, know-how, and technologies to cutting edge in vivo research. AC supports other research groups from experimental design to practical procedures, including ethical authorization steps. Additionally, AC has experience in supervising and carrying out experimental procedures on rodent and pig models.
Name of instrument operator: Agata Miska-Schramm
Email of instrument operator:
Supplier name: Animalab s.r.o.
Price (excluding VAT) in EUR: 223044
Year of purchase: 2015
Year of installation: 0
Service contract Yes / No: 0
Yearly price of service contract (excluding VAT) in EUR:
Capacity used in %:
Running cont per hour of usage in EUR:

Partner institution: 7:St.Anne'sUniversityHospitalBrno_ICRC
Core facility: Animal Center
Category of instrument / technology: Ultrasound scanning (sonography)
Web category: 3 : diagnostic methods
Instrument name: USG
Description EN:
 is a diagnostic imaging technique based on the application of ultrasound. It is used to create an image of internal body structures such as tendons, muscles, joints, blood vessels, and internal organs. Its aim is often to find a source of a disease or to exclude pathology. The practice of examining pregnant women using ultrasound is called obstetric ultrasound, and was an early development and application of clinical ultrasonography. Ultrasound refers to sound waves with frequencies which are higher than those audible to humans (>20,000 Hz). Ultrasonic images, also known as sonograms, are made by sending pulses of ultrasound into tissue using a probe. The ultrasound pulses echo off tissues with different reflection properties and are recorded and displayed as an image. 
Part of research platform:
The Animal Center (AC) is a core facility keen to provide knowledge, know-how, and technologies to cutting edge in vivo research. AC supports other research groups from experimental design to practical procedures, including ethical authorization steps. Additionally, AC has experience in supervising and carrying out experimental procedures on rodent and pig models.
Name of instrument operator: Agata Miska-Schramm
Email of instrument operator:
Supplier name: Electric Medical Service s.r.o.
Price (excluding VAT) in EUR: 183769
Year of purchase: 2009
Year of installation: 2009
Service contract Yes / No: 1
Yearly price of service contract (excluding VAT) in EUR:
Capacity used in %:
Running cont per hour of usage in EUR:

Partner institution: 7:St.Anne'sUniversityHospitalBrno_ICRC
Core facility: Animal Center
Category of instrument / technology: Animal Facility
Web category: 3 : diagnostic methods
Instrument name: Imaging multifunctional system IN VIVO
Description EN:
Part of research platform:
The Animal Center (AC) is a core facility keen to provide knowledge, know-how, and technologies to cutting edge in vivo research. AC supports other research groups from experimental design to practical procedures, including ethical authorization steps. Additionally, AC has experience in supervising and carrying out experimental procedures on rodent and pig models.
Name of instrument operator: Agata Miska-Schramm
Email of instrument operator:
Supplier name: Labor Partner s.r.o.
Price (excluding VAT) in EUR: 182799
Year of purchase: 2015
Year of installation: 2015
Service contract Yes / No: 0
Yearly price of service contract (excluding VAT) in EUR:
Capacity used in %:
Running cont per hour of usage in EUR:

Partner institution: 7:St.Anne'sUniversityHospitalBrno_ICRC
Core facility: Animal Center
Category of instrument / technology: Animal Facility
Web category: 3 : diagnostic methods
Instrument name: MotoRater
Description EN:
MotoRater is a semi-automated system for rodent kinematic gait analysis with high sensitivity to evaluate 4 different motion modalities – over ground walking, skilled ladder walking, wading in water and swimming. In contrast to conventional methods, MotoRater allows testing animals in water, which offers the exceptional opportunity to evaluate severely impaired rodent models, which would not be able to support their body weight on solid ground.
Part of research platform:
The Animal Center (AC) is a core facility keen to provide knowledge, know-how, and technologies to cutting edge in vivo research. AC supports other research groups from experimental design to practical procedures, including ethical authorization steps. Additionally, AC has experience in supervising and carrying out experimental procedures on rodent and pig models.
Name of instrument operator: Agata Miska-Schramm
Email of instrument operator:
Supplier name: Animalab s.r.o.
Price (excluding VAT) in EUR: 114894
Year of purchase: 2015
Year of installation: 2017
Service contract Yes / No: 0
Yearly price of service contract (excluding VAT) in EUR:
Capacity used in %:
Running cont per hour of usage in EUR:

Partner institution: 7:St.Anne'sUniversityHospitalBrno_ICRC
Core facility: Animal Center
Category of instrument / technology: Electrophysiology
Web category: 3 : diagnostic methods
Instrument name: Electrophysiological system
Description EN:
Part of research platform:
The Animal Center (AC) is a core facility keen to provide knowledge, know-how, and technologies to cutting edge in vivo research. AC supports other research groups from experimental design to practical procedures, including ethical authorization steps. Additionally, AC has experience in supervising and carrying out experimental procedures on rodent and pig models.
Name of instrument operator: Agata Miska-Schramm
Email of instrument operator:
Supplier name: medisap, s.r.o.
Price (excluding VAT) in EUR: 105701
Year of purchase: 2009
Year of installation: 2009
Service contract Yes / No: 0
Yearly price of service contract (excluding VAT) in EUR:
Capacity used in %:
Running cont per hour of usage in EUR:

Partner institution: 7:St.Anne'sUniversityHospitalBrno_ICRC
Core facility: Animal Center
Category of instrument / technology: Sterilizer
Web category: 5 : specific systems
Instrument name: Sterilizer
Description EN:
Part of research platform:
The Animal Center (AC) is a core facility keen to provide knowledge, know-how, and technologies to cutting edge in vivo research. AC supports other research groups from experimental design to practical procedures, including ethical authorization steps. Additionally, AC has experience in supervising and carrying out experimental procedures on rodent and pig models.
Name of instrument operator: Agata Miska-Schramm
Email of instrument operator:
Supplier name: HOSPIMED, spol.s r.o
Price (excluding VAT) in EUR: 104086
Year of purchase: 2009
Year of installation: 2009
Service contract Yes / No: 0
Yearly price of service contract (excluding VAT) in EUR:
Capacity used in %:
Running cont per hour of usage in EUR:

Partner institution: 7:St.Anne'sUniversityHospitalBrno_ICRC
Core facility: Animal Center
Category of instrument / technology: Monitored cages system
Web category: 5 : specific systems
Instrument name: IntelliCage for rats
Description EN:
The IntelliCage allows you to assess the home cage behavior and cognitive performance of up to 8 rats separately while they are living in a social environment. This unique experimental setup fosters natural social behavior in a biologically relevant, enriched but highly standardized home cage context. In this way, the IntelliCage minimizes the need for handling and human intervention, thereby increasing task validity, data reproducibility and ensuring a high level of animal welfare.
Part of research platform:
The Animal Center (AC) is a core facility keen to provide knowledge, know-how, and technologies to cutting edge in vivo research. AC supports other research groups from experimental design to practical procedures, including ethical authorization steps. Additionally, AC has experience in supervising and carrying out experimental procedures on rodent and pig models.
Name of instrument operator: Agata Miska-Schramm
Email of instrument operator:
Supplier name: Animalab s.r.o.
Price (excluding VAT) in EUR: 101681
Year of purchase: 2015
Year of installation: 2019
Service contract Yes / No: 0
Yearly price of service contract (excluding VAT) in EUR:
Capacity used in %:
Running cont per hour of usage in EUR:

Partner institution: 7:St.Anne'sUniversityHospitalBrno_ICRC
Core facility: Animal Center
Category of instrument / technology: Monitored cages system
Web category: 5 : specific systems
Instrument name: telemetry system for mice and rats
Description EN:
Stellar Telemetry is the newest generation of implantable telemetry technology, allowing to collect vital signs while performing phenotypical, physiological, pharmacological, behavioral, metabolic and inhalation studies in and outside of your facility. An unlimited number of animals can be monitored by one receiver, facilitating group housing and social interaction studies while monitoring individual animals without having to place a receiver under each cage.
Part of research platform:
The Animal Center (AC) is a core facility keen to provide knowledge, know-how, and technologies to cutting edge in vivo research. AC supports other research groups from experimental design to practical procedures, including ethical authorization steps. Additionally, AC has experience in supervising and carrying out experimental procedures on rodent and pig models.
Name of instrument operator: Agata Miska-Schramm
Email of instrument operator:
Supplier name: Animalab s.r.o.
Price (excluding VAT) in EUR: 76982
Year of purchase: 2015
Year of installation: 2015
Service contract Yes / No: 0
Yearly price of service contract (excluding VAT) in EUR:
Capacity used in %:
Running cont per hour of usage in EUR: