Partner institution:
Core facility:
Category of instrument / technology:
Web category:
Instrument name:
Description EN:
Part of research platform:
Name of instrument operator:
Email of instrument operator:
Supplier name:
Price (excluding VAT) in EUR:
Year of purchase:
Year of installation:
Service contract Yes / No:
Yearly price of service contract (excluding VAT) in EUR:
Capacity used in %:
Running cont per hour of usage in EUR:
Author first name:
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Partner institution: 4:MedicalUniversityofLodz
Core facility: CoreLab
Category of instrument / technology: Genetic analysis
Web category: 1 : analysis
Instrument name: 16-Capillary Sequencer
Description EN:
Genetic Analyzer/16-Capillary Array for DNA sequencing. The results are presented in the form of a .ab1 document - opened by Sequence Scanner or Chromas softwares.
Part of research platform:
Sequencing of bacterial genomes (plasmid DNA), genotyping of DNA fragments, analysis of DNA methylation profile in cells, MLPA analysis.
Name of instrument operator: Dominika Kulczycka-Wojdala
Email of instrument operator:
Supplier name: Applied Biosystems
Price (excluding VAT) in EUR:
Year of purchase: 2006
Year of installation: 2006
Service contract Yes / No: 1
Yearly price of service contract (excluding VAT) in EUR:
Capacity used in %:
Running cont per hour of usage in EUR:

Partner institution: 4:MedicalUniversityofLodz
Core facility: CoreLab
Category of instrument / technology: Genetic analysis
Web category: 1 : analysis
Instrument name: 7900HT Fast Real-Time PCR System
Description EN:
Works with standard 96-well plates and reads the format of small arrays (Low Density Array - 384 reactions).  Softwares for the design of primers and probes (Primer Express) and analysis of results (SDS 2.4).
Part of research platform:
Gene expression, miRNA expression, single nucleotide polymorphism, telomere length, quantity and integrity analysis of cfDNA in body fluids, exosomal miRNA analysis.
Name of instrument operator: Bozena Szymanska
Email of instrument operator:
Supplier name: Applied Biosystems
Price (excluding VAT) in EUR:
Year of purchase: 2006
Year of installation: 2006
Service contract Yes / No: 1
Yearly price of service contract (excluding VAT) in EUR:
Capacity used in %:
Running cont per hour of usage in EUR:

Partner institution: 4:MedicalUniversityofLodz
Core facility: CoreLab
Category of instrument / technology: Flow cytometry
Web category: 1 : analysis
Instrument name: CytoFLEX B5-R3-V5 Flow cytometer
Description EN:
The CytoFlex is equipped with three lasers (purple 405 nm, blue 488 nm and red 638 nm) and 15 detectors, simultaneous measurement of 2 morphological parameters and 13 fluorescence.
Part of research platform:
Identification and analysis of microparticles and proteins, immunophenotyping , cell cycle and cell viability analysis, cell proliferation assays, reactive oxygen species induction, mitochondrial membrane potential.
Name of instrument operator: Jacek Szymanski
Email of instrument operator:
Supplier name: Beckman Coulter
Price (excluding VAT) in EUR:
Year of purchase: 2017
Year of installation: 2017
Service contract Yes / No: 0
Yearly price of service contract (excluding VAT) in EUR:
Capacity used in %:
Running cont per hour of usage in EUR:

Partner institution: 4:MedicalUniversityofLodz
Core facility: CoreLab
Category of instrument / technology: Mass spectrometry
Web category: 1 : analysis
Instrument name: Q-ToF Premier Mass spectrometer
Description EN:
Tandem MS Q-ToF Premier coupled with nanoACQUITY UPLC, which allows to perform analysis of proteins, peptides and low molecular weight compounds.
Part of research platform:
Measurement of molecular weight of peptides and proteins, identification of the protein composition in the sample, posttranslational modifications (PTM) sites of glycation, acetylation, methylation.
Name of instrument operator: Emilia Stec-Martyna
Email of instrument operator:
Supplier name: Waters
Price (excluding VAT) in EUR:
Year of purchase: 2006
Year of installation: 2006
Service contract Yes / No: 0
Yearly price of service contract (excluding VAT) in EUR:
Capacity used in %:
Running cont per hour of usage in EUR:

Partner institution: 4:MedicalUniversityofLodz
Core facility: Biobank HARC
Category of instrument / technology: Flow cytometry
Web category: 1 : analysis
Instrument name: BD LSR Fortessa; HTS
Description EN:
The BD LSRFortessa™ cell analyzer offers the ultimate in choice for flow cytometry, providing power, performance, and consistency. To improve experimental workflow, the BD™ High Throughput Sampler (HTS) provides rapid, fully automated sample acquisition from microtiter plates.
Part of research platform:
The BD LSRFortessa is an air-cooled multi-laser benchtop flow cytometer with the ability to acquire parameters for a large number of colors.
Name of instrument operator: Marek Kowalski
Email of instrument operator:
Supplier name: BD Bioscience
Price (excluding VAT) in EUR:
Year of purchase: 2014
Year of installation: 2014
Service contract Yes / No: 0
Yearly price of service contract (excluding VAT) in EUR:
Capacity used in %:
Running cont per hour of usage in EUR:

Partner institution: 4:MedicalUniversityofLodz
Core facility: Biobank HARC
Category of instrument / technology: Genetic analysis
Web category: 1 : analysis
Instrument name: xCELLigence RTCA DP
Description EN:
xCELLigence RTCA DP System for label-free, real-time cellular analysis.
Part of research platform:
Cell invasion and migration measured in real-time. The xCELLigence® RTCA DP instrument uses noninvasive electrical impedance monitoring to quantify cell proliferation, morphology change, and attachment quality in a label-free, real-time manner.
Name of instrument operator: Marek Kowalski
Email of instrument operator:
Supplier name: AceaBiosciences
Price (excluding VAT) in EUR:
Year of purchase: 2012
Year of installation: 2012
Service contract Yes / No: 0
Yearly price of service contract (excluding VAT) in EUR:
Capacity used in %:
Running cont per hour of usage in EUR:

Partner institution: 4:MedicalUniversityofLodz
Core facility: Animal Facilities
Category of instrument / technology: Liquid chromatography system
Web category: 4 : separation technique
Instrument name: ACQUITY UPLC
Description EN:
Liquid chromatography for separation of mixture samples. Liquid chromatography might be considered a an analytical tool in itself or used as a preparatory technique.
Part of research platform:
The ACQUITY UPLC System eliminates significant time and cost per sample from the analytical process while improving the quality of  results. By outperforming traditional or optimized HPLC, the system allows chromatographers to work at higher efficiencies with a much wider range of linear velocities, flow rates, and backpressures.
Name of instrument operator: Bartlomiej Grobelski
Email of instrument operator:
Supplier name: Waters
Price (excluding VAT) in EUR:
Year of purchase: 2012
Year of installation: 2012
Service contract Yes / No: 0
Yearly price of service contract (excluding VAT) in EUR:
Capacity used in %:
Running cont per hour of usage in EUR:

Partner institution: 4:MedicalUniversityofLodz
Core facility: Animal Facilities
Category of instrument / technology: Hybrid microliter plates reader
Web category: 1 : analysis
Instrument name: SYNERGY H1 MFD
Description EN:
Multi-mode reader for microtiter plates, capable of interpreting multiple classes of test samples.
Part of research platform:
Synergy™ H1 is a configurable multi-mode microplate reader. op and bottom fluorescence intensity, UV-visible absorbance and luminescence detection are available to meet many life science research requirements.
Name of instrument operator: Bartlomiej Grobelski
Email of instrument operator:
Supplier name: Biokom
Price (excluding VAT) in EUR:
Year of purchase: 2012
Year of installation: 2012
Service contract Yes / No: 0
Yearly price of service contract (excluding VAT) in EUR:
Capacity used in %:
Running cont per hour of usage in EUR:

Partner institution: 4:MedicalUniversityofLodz
Core facility: Animal Facilities
Category of instrument / technology: Monitored cages system
Web category: 5 : specific systems
Instrument name: IntelliCage
Description EN:
IntelliCage - NewBehavior is a system that allows automatic monitoring of cognitive and behavioral behaviors of mice in isolation from the researcher and the outside world.
Part of research platform:
UPLC Technology, which has been adopted successfully in laboratories around the world for the most demanding separations, is a highly robust, dependable, and reproducible system.
Name of instrument operator: Bartlomiej Grobelski
Email of instrument operator:
Supplier name: Tse Systems
Price (excluding VAT) in EUR:
Year of purchase: 2011
Year of installation: 2011
Service contract Yes / No: 0
Yearly price of service contract (excluding VAT) in EUR:
Capacity used in %:
Running cont per hour of usage in EUR:

Partner institution: 4:MedicalUniversityofLodz
Core facility: DynamoLab
Category of instrument / technology: Gas exchange analysis system
Web category: 3 : diagnostic methods
Instrument name: Ultima CardiO2 PFX
Description EN:
System Ultima CardiO2 PFX with 12 channels wireless ECG Mortara.
Part of research platform:
System Ultima CardiO2 PFX with 12 channels wireless ECG Mortara enables assessment of pulmonary function with spirometry, evaluation of lung volumes and diffusion with N2 washout method. It also serves to assess the resting and exercise metabolism by assessing O2 and CO2 breath by breath.
Name of instrument operator: Gianluca Padula
Email of instrument operator:
Supplier name: MGC Diagnostics
Price (excluding VAT) in EUR:
Year of purchase: 2011
Year of installation: 2011
Service contract Yes / No: 0
Yearly price of service contract (excluding VAT) in EUR:
Capacity used in %:
Running cont per hour of usage in EUR: