Partner institution: 3:MasarykUniversity-CEITEC
Core facility: Cryo-electron Microscopy and Tomography
Category of instrument / technology: Cryo-electron microscope
Web category: 1 : analysis
Instrument name: Tecnai F20
Description EN:
Conventional cryoEM microscope FEI F20 (200 kV) equipped with a CCD camera and a dual beam FIB/SEM instrument (Versa3D) for micromachining of thin lamellas of vitrified cells usable for electron tomography
Part of research platform:
Modern electron microscopy in structural biology on the cellular and molecular level is performed by cryo-electron microscopy and cryo-electron tomography. Cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) is the only method to address pleiomorphic structures like cells and organelles in a close to native state, while cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) is applied to study single particles, primarily larger macromolecular complexes, which have been isolated and purified by biochemical methods. Both methodologies provide information on the cellular and molecular level and are therefore ideal for in-depth structural-functional analysis in combination with state of the art biochemical characterisation.
Name of instrument operator: Jiří Nováček
Email of instrument operator:
Supplier name: FEI Europe B.V.
Price (excluding VAT) in EUR: 836000
Year of purchase: 2012
Year of installation: 2014
Service contract Yes / No: 1
Yearly price of service contract (excluding VAT) in EUR: 30547
Capacity used in %:
Running cont per hour of usage in EUR: 46