Partner institution:
Core facility:
Category of instrument / technology:
Web category:
Instrument name:
Description EN:
Part of research platform:
Name of instrument operator:
Email of instrument operator:
Supplier name:
Price (excluding VAT) in EUR:
Year of purchase:
Year of installation:
Service contract Yes / No:
Yearly price of service contract (excluding VAT) in EUR:
Capacity used in %:
Running cont per hour of usage in EUR:
Author first name:
Author surname:

Partner institution: 1:BiomedicalResearchCenterSAS
Core facility: Cytoanalytic
Category of instrument / technology: Flow cytometer
Web category: 1 : analysis
Instrument name: FACSCanto II analyzer
Description EN:
The BD FACSCanto™ family of benchtop analyzers features reliable performance and accurate results for experiments requiring up to 10 parameters.Numerous innovations make the system easy to use, powerful, and productive. A fixed alignment flow cell, for example, minimizes startup time and improves reproducibility. And a patented optical design maximizes signal detection and increases sensitivity and resolution for each color.
Part of research platform:
Name of instrument operator: Jana Jakubikova
Email of instrument operator:
Supplier name: Becton-Dickinson
Price (excluding VAT) in EUR:
Year of purchase: 0
Year of installation: 0
Service contract Yes / No: 0
Yearly price of service contract (excluding VAT) in EUR:
Capacity used in %:
Running cont per hour of usage in EUR:

Partner institution: 1:BiomedicalResearchCenterSAS
Core facility: Cytoanalytic
Category of instrument / technology: Flow cytometer
Web category: 1 : analysis
Instrument name: ImageStreamX
Description EN:
The ImageStreamX imaging flow cytometer combines the visual power of microscopy with the speed and sensitivity of flow cytometry by digitally imaging cells directly in flow.
Part of research platform:
Name of instrument operator: Jana Jakubikova
Email of instrument operator:
Supplier name: Amnis
Price (excluding VAT) in EUR:
Year of purchase: 0
Year of installation: 0
Service contract Yes / No: 0
Yearly price of service contract (excluding VAT) in EUR:
Capacity used in %:
Running cont per hour of usage in EUR:

Partner institution: 1:BiomedicalResearchCenterSAS
Core facility: Genomics
Category of instrument / technology: Genetic Analyzer
Web category: 1 : analysis
Instrument name: ABI 3500
Description EN:
The Applied Biosystems 3500 Genetic Analyzers is an automated 8 capillary instrument designed for a wide range of sequencing and fragment analysis applications
Part of research platform:
Name of instrument operator: Daniela Gasperikova
Email of instrument operator:
Supplier name: ThermoFischer Scientific
Price (excluding VAT) in EUR: 163000
Year of purchase: 2011
Year of installation: 2011
Service contract Yes / No: 0
Yearly price of service contract (excluding VAT) in EUR:
Capacity used in %: 70
Running cont per hour of usage in EUR:

Partner institution: 1:BiomedicalResearchCenterSAS
Core facility: Genomics
Category of instrument / technology: Genetic Analyzer
Web category: 1 : analysis
Instrument name: Ion Personal Genome Machine™ (PGM™) System
Description EN:
​Ion PGM™ System for Next-Generation Sequencing - ​Features of the Personal Genome Machine, Uses Semiconductor Technology for sequencing, Three available chips: 314, 316, 318, Provides up to 5.5 Million Reads, Ideal for smaller library sizes: Gene Panels
Part of research platform:
Name of instrument operator: Daniela Gasperikova
Email of instrument operator:
Supplier name: ThermoFischer Scientific
Price (excluding VAT) in EUR: 228000
Year of purchase: 2016
Year of installation: 2016
Service contract Yes / No: 0
Yearly price of service contract (excluding VAT) in EUR:
Capacity used in %: 30
Running cont per hour of usage in EUR: