Partner institution: 1:BiomedicalResearchCenterSAS
Core facility: Proteomics
Category of instrument / technology: Fast protein liquid chromatography system
Web category: 1 : analysis
Instrument name: ESI-Q-TOF Premier with Liquid Chromatograph Waters nanoAcquity
Description EN:
The Waters Q-TOF Premier is a hybrid quadrupole (8kDa) TOF instrument features Lock Mass spray and MSe, which allows this instrument to skip the isolation step for MSMS, greatly increasing the effective duty cycle when run in this mode. Key to the expression analysis is the stability and reproducibility of the nanoACQUITY UPLC system and the high pressure 1.7ì reversed phase capillary column, which afford the instrument excellent chromatographic properties. This instrument is also capable of intact protein mass determinations by direct ESI infusion and a full suit of data analysis software is available from Waters. Please contact us for complete used and refurbished Micromass QTOF Premier /Q-TOF Premier system, warranty and service contract details (Waters QTOF Premier).
Part of research platform:
Name of instrument operator: Ludovit Skultety
Email of instrument operator:
Supplier name: Waters
Price (excluding VAT) in EUR:
Year of purchase: 2005
Year of installation: 2006
Service contract Yes / No: 0
Yearly price of service contract (excluding VAT) in EUR:
Capacity used in %:
Running cont per hour of usage in EUR: