Partner institution:
Core facility:
Category of instrument / technology:
Web category:
Instrument name:
Description EN:
Part of research platform:
Expected price (excluding VAT) in EUR:
Planned year of purchase:
Author first name:
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Partner institution: 4:MedicalUniversityofLodz
Core facility: Mass Spectrometry
Category of instrument / technology: Mass spectrometry
Web category: 1 : analysis
Instrument name: QTof mass spectrometer
Description EN:
QTof mass spectrometer dedicated to identify, quantify and confirm the broad range of compounds in the most complex and challenging samples.
Part of research platform:
Core facility supports both, internal and external researchers in a full service mode.
Expected price (excluding VAT) in EUR:
Planned year of purchase: 2020

Partner institution: 4:MedicalUniversityofLodz
Core facility: Genomics
Category of instrument / technology: Genomics
Web category: 4 : separation technique
Instrument name: Purification/isolation system
Description EN:
System for DNA and RNA isolation from various starting materials (including cell-free body fluids, blood, bacteria, cell cultures, tissue and plant samples), proteomic applications and cell isolation.
Part of research platform:
Core facility supports both, internal and external researchers in a full service mode.
Expected price (excluding VAT) in EUR:
Planned year of purchase: 2020

Partner institution: 4:MedicalUniversityofLodz
Core facility: Cellular Imaging
Category of instrument / technology: Characterization
Web category: 1 : analysis
Instrument name: Cell imaging system
Description EN:
Tha automated system for imaging and analysis of fixed and live cells.
Part of research platform:
Core facility supports both, internal and external researchers in a full service mode.
Expected price (excluding VAT) in EUR:
Planned year of purchase: 2020